Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Question 1

What is it that i've learned in this class. The class is about critical decision making but i don't think that does it justice. I think this class teaches you how to think properly. Logically I don't think I've learned this much since I was in computer science which I didn't ended up hating. I learned how to think things through. I know longer have to go into arguments and ending up looking like a fool. I can end up looking like an average person. I know now when to pick my battles and when to believe whatever it is that i'm supposed to believe. I guess I could be classified as a gullible person. I tend to believe when people tell me things and I don't really think things of it because I trust people. Now i'm kinda weary to believe things unless I put it through my decision making criteria. I think this class is really important and I can see why it's needed for core GE. I think we should learn things like this at a younger age because i'm 20 years old right now and i feel like if i knew this when I was 16 high school would have been less of crap shoot. High school was like people always trying to deceive and lie for no real reason. Critical thinking would have made me think logically and answer back with a smart witty response like a politician. This class and my 100w class have really changed the way I speak and think so thank you for that. Logic FTW.

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