Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Question 2

My favorite thing about the class is the online nature of it. I don't feel like i'm forced to be locked into a classroom for hours and hours. I like the fact that we read on our own time. We do blogs on our own time and we comment on our own time. It's a super flexible class and i really enjoyed that that most. I'll miss having an online class because now I'll have 2 1/2 hours more to be forced into a desk at school. The least favorite thing about this class was probably desire2learn. I didn't find it very useful. Maybe because we spent so much time on the blog desire 2 learn just felt like a waste of time. I think instead of using that the teacher can just put up important things on the blog and try to eliminate desire 2 learn all together apart from the quizzes. I think the only way this class could improve is to have an online lecture. A video recording of lectures would be very good and impressive. It's a colorful addition and a break from the reading. It also shows us more of the teacher. I really know nothing about the teacher. I don't know how she teaches meaning stylistically. I guess the style would be online, but maybe if i felt like a person was there i could feel like I was learning much better. I'm taking this idea from a biology class i took over the summer where we had online lectures and we had a short quiz and the end based on the lecture. I felt it was very helpful.

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