Thursday, December 9, 2010

Question 3 Last Question Yay!

First I'd like to say theres a lot of great things I've learned this semester. I don't know if i can pick just one to expand on it but i'll give it a good shot. I think arguing was a very important part of our class. And i think the best part about arguing was trying not to make a fallacy. Fallacies were something I've always heard of but I never really took the time and effort to learn it. I now realize that yelling and arguing without carefully thinking can lead people to think i'm an idiot. I really think knowing the fallacies will help not just my self but everybody from making mistakes. I hate losing arguments but i hate even more to bit my tongue. and even more than that I would be absolutely mortified if i ended up offending somebody. So I think knowing all fallacies from slippery slope to bullying can also help us as people recognize them and point them out. It's all about advancing as a people and I want to be able to have intellectual conversation with somebody without having to worry about being mean and still accomplish things.

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