Saturday, September 4, 2010

Question 2 Vague Sentences

I'm glad the topic of vague sentences has come up. I have to say i'm guilty of vague sentences, and i'm guilty of laughing hysterically at them as well. One of my favorite shows on TV is 30 Rock starring Tracy Morgan. On the show Morgan plays a character named Tracy Jordan, who for lack of a better word is stupid. In one episode Tracy Jordan gives advice to an intern by saying, "Live every week like it's Shark Week." I always laugh at this line because it doesn't make a bit of sense, but that's just it it doesn't make a bit of sense. I suppose he's trying to convey the message of living every week like you watch Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, but one can't really tell. I understand the writers of the show wrote this line to achieve laughter, but usually comedy is an exaggerated form of real life. I know a normal person wouldn't say something so vague to this extreme, but I know a lot of people who aren't too far off the mark.

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