Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 2 Question 3

Leadership is a key factor and major skill that we put into effect in many everyday situations. In the textbook, leadership is defined as “the exercise of interpersonal influence toward the attainment of goals. A key factor in having leadership is the role of communication. Without this key factor of communication, one cannot fulfill the job of being a leader because one must know how to talk and communicate with whom you’re talking too. For example, in a working environment, your manager or boss may have authority over you in which they are the leaders who give you orders that become your goals for that job. There are four different types of leadership. In the book, they are listed as authoritarian, consultative, participate, and laissez-faire. My favorite type of leadership and that I see as being most fair is consultative leadership. It is defined as “bases decisions upon the opinions or ideas of group members”. Authoritarian leadership is defined as the leader having control without any input from members. Without having any input, you aren’t communicating with any group members and that can cause many problems amongst each other.

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