Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 3 Question 2

Ridicule is making fun of the other person to hurt their reputation therefore helping yourself win the argument. For example I get might get into an argument with the smartest person in the school. He might say that we need to lower pollution in order to combat global warming. If I say don't listen to this nerd and do whatever you want, that is ridicule. I find it funny that this is the way children handle most of their battles, but you still see many people engage in this. I often see people with low self esteems do this because they feel they have no other choice. These people are called bullies. A bully can be old or young but the tactics are the same. Calling somebody out for the way they act or dress and diverting the real problem at hand. These are all smoke screens to distract people from seeing the truth. Ridicule is also quite hurtful for the victims of ridicule. I don't think it has any place in arguments whether professional or juvenile. It just makes me sad when I witness this fallacy first hand. It makes me even more sad when I'm apart of it in a non friendly confrontation.

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