Friday, October 1, 2010

Question 1 Fixing Arguments

Me: I'm going to the mall.
J: I hate our mall it sucks.
Me: You suck.

I made this up but it's probably come up in conversation before. The ending part of it I just kind of threw in there, but I want to fix the beginning. I live in an area where there are at least 5 malls within driving distance so for J to assume that I was going to a particular mall is incorrect, but he is implying that our mall, the closest to us, is of poor conditions. I could fix this argument by telling J which mall I'm going to specifically. I also could tell J what it is i'm doing there to change his mind about the mall. For instance if i said, "I'm going to the 5th street mall to find some cheap running shoes" then J might have responded, "I hate the 5th Street mall, but they have nice stores for cheap shoes. By doing this i fully explain the situation repairing an argument and giving much more context to the argument.

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