Friday, October 22, 2010

Question 2 Assignment Usefulness

The assignments are designed to get us thinking about real world parallels to the book. The newspaper is one that we're supposed to say look at this professional writer he can't even follow the basic rules of critical thinking either, without succumbing to bad habits. The usefulness of the assignment I would rate at 6 out of 10. Yes it's good to see the parallels between real editorials and using our learning to break it down, but I feel like it could be a little better. I wish we were all given maybe the same editorial, or maybe like a political speech, that was designed to get us thinking more. Maybe I just had a problem with the article my group chose, which was more of an article than an editorial. I had a tough time figuring out what the person was trying to convey. All in all I say it was useful, but it certainly would have helped if the editorial that was chosen was more in the right direction of what we were supposed to be looking for.

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