Thursday, October 7, 2010

Question Chapter 6

I just read through chapter 6 and at first I wasn't sure what to talk about if I had 2 things to talk about. I've decided to talk about necessary and sufficient conditions, and about false dilemma. False dilemma is coming up with two things that might not correlate with each other and forcing them in together in an argument. For example if I drive my car at night I won't get as much sleep. These two things might correlate a little bit, but I could just sleep during the day. False dilemmas makes a bigger deal out of nothing rather than rational thinking. Necessary and sufficient conditions are kind of like the true version of False dilemmas. I guess they're be like true dilemmas in a way. If I go to the mall all day Saturday, I can't have time to study. This is an event that correlates with the other unlike the false one.

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