Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mission Critical

The Mission Critical website has different parts of an argument and everything that consists of it. The section on Fallacies and Non-Rational Persuasion is what I thought was most useful in the website. There are two different types of Appeals. The first appeal is Misdirected appeals which consist of Appeal to Authority, Common Practice, and Appeal to Common Belief. An appeal to fear is that fear and love are two strong emotions. It affects and threatens the safety or happiness of ourselves or someone we love. This was very useful because people are always trying to get into people’s emotions to get something out of them. It is a very strong appeal to use. The second part of appeals is Emotional appeals. One Appeal in this section is Appeal to Spite. Spite is concerned with hatred and indignation to tap into a person’s feelings about people or things. It is a very powerful appeal.

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