Saturday, November 6, 2010

Question 3 Feel Good Argument

How many times have I seen a scene in school where somebody tries to get on the good side of teacher or at work a boss. "You're not a mean person why would you give me a bad grade" or "You're a nice boss you'd give me time off work right?" I don't think all of these people fail, but most do. Sometimes surprisingly getting on somebodies good side and making them feel bad enough for you actually works. I can think of a few people who had to do "extra credit" to pass high school. Such as cleaning, doing meaningless busy work just to prove to the teacher they deserved a passing grade. Sometimes it actually works so being nice might actually get you somewhere. It's never a good reason to be nice but sometimes it works. It's a horrible argument to tell somebody they're nice guys and girls and they wouldn't hurt a fly but some people are really that nice.

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