Thursday, November 4, 2010

Question 2 Appeal To Spite

Up until Tuesday Political ads have been running non stop. Vote Republican Vote Democrat Vote Tea Party. It's honestly kinda crazy how much effort and money they put into these elections. I don't vote because I really don't care for but I am forced to watch insufferable commercials while I watch TV. These commercials go on and on bashing other candidates. Most look at track record and don't focus on the issues. For example Carly Fiorina was CEO at HP for a long time. She ran a very successful company. She happened to lay off a lot of people and outsource a lot of jobs. Barbra Boxer her opponent ran an ad saying she laid off thousands of workers what will she do in the senate? It makes people think, "ohh that fiorina I don't like her she doesn't care about us and she'll do it again." Even though in a way she has done more for the economy that Barbra Boxer ever has by running a billion dollar company.

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