Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question 1 Appeal To Emotion

Appealing to Emotion is appealing to ones emotions. Meaning that you do something to strike a chord in a person with an argument. For example if I know something scares you like terrorists, and I say don't go to him because he is for terrorists. That is an appeal to fear. I like the appeal to fear the best. I think it's because I see it the most often. Political Ads do appeal to spite. Jerry Brown ran many ads against meg whitman that show her as a person very similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger who most people despise and are very hateful towards. I think the appeal to emotion even though a bad argument I still find it very effective. People try to put emotions into an argument but the real thing we need to look at is facts. There are a lot of feelings out there that don't belong in a rational argument. So appealing to ones emotions is a very useful tactic in arguing with a person or promoting something, but it's still wrong.

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